Tuesday, June 5, 2007

amsterdam here we come

Hullo! Virgo and Cancer speakin'.

We're blogging one more time from London, at Jamie's house. We're about to leave for Amsterdam in a few minutes. So far our trip has been really great. Last night we saw "Wicked" in the back row. It was my (Devra) first time seeing it, and it was so nice! I really liked the goat teacher, while Tina preferred the big dragon, and the broken animatronic head of the wizard.

We also did huge walking tour yesterday, starting off pushing through Trafalgar's Square, seeing some really big beautiful lions (one of the reasons I've liked London so much: there are lions everywhere. For example: Those great lion pictures from the British Museum.) Did we mention we went to the British Museum? We went to Hyde Park, which I think was one of my favorite places in London. It was kind of overcast, so it gave a nice feeling to this big beautiful park. We also saw Westminster Abbey, and Big Ben, and the London Eye up close.

The day before yesterday Tina and I went to the Tower of London, and saw a big fat Raven. Or twenty. One of our favorite things there was the Royal Punch Bowl andLadle. It was so fucking huge! Then we met Jamie, and had dinner and drinks at Pizza on the Dock, and literlly stayed for about four hours. When they closed they locked the bathroom, so Tina and Jamie and I had to hold it for like an hour, and we almost lost Tina, because she had to go so bad.

The night before that, I woke up after eating Indian food from a restaurant at Brick Lane, with the worst feeling I have ever had in my life. It was heartburn, and Jamie really summed it up well when she said, "I like how you're going to be trying all sorts of different foods on your trip, and of course you react like this after a meal in London. Weaaak." But seriously, it hurt more than anything. I was up until 4, after trying alka seltzer and another antacid, crying off and on. Tina and Jamie were really nice about it though, and we saw a fox on the way back from the store.

At the Brick Lane Indian restaurants, there is always a person outside the restaurant , trying to get you guys to go to their restaurant , and they kind of sell it to you like they're a used car salesmen. "I garuntee it. After trying our food, you will be a regular customer. It is just a good, quality meal." So we go to a restaurant, and we got a deal on our meal, with a free drink. Gabriele asked when we sat down, "Can I get a cobra as a beer?" The waiter proceeded to laugh condescendingly, saying no.

I dunno, they wanted me to tell you about the cobra.

And Jamie accidentally touched some guys' hand on the Tube.

That's it. We're going to Amsterdam now.


Simon said...

Favorite part:

We saw a fat Raven. The royal punch bowl and ladle were huge.

Peddling your restaurant's food via streetside yelling seems very American to me. Maybe it will catch on here soon. We'll probably use megaphones. Americans love megaphones.

coey3 said...

That's so Raven!

coey3 said...

re: Brian's Song - m4w

Reply to: pers-346478881@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-06-06, 4:13PM PDT

Yes...we had good times. But you never really gave of yourself. Not really. Lets try again. Pismo could be our new beginnings. I love you. Always have. Problem was, you never saw past my physical limitations. Yes, I have a wooden leg and a patch over one eye, but did this stop me from becoming a pirate? No. When I look at you, I don't just see a woman disfigured with 3 boobs. I accept and embrace your third boob. If only you could do the same for my third leg. Now...I only cry out of my third eye...blind. Good luck with the whole lesbian thingie. Forever yers.

baxie said...

Amsterdam rules.

Beware of the fake cops, steer clear of the space cakes that look like bran hockey pucks, and make sure to hit the Reiksmuseum. The Dutch Masters will blow your mind.