Saturday, June 30, 2007

My hips don't lie, neither does my sunburn

Hi all. Blogging a bit begrudgingly from Palermo, Sicily. We last told you our exploits about Munich, and not much about Prague. Well let me tell you, Prague is effing amazing. Both Tina and I look back on those days with longing and euphoria. Petr and his friends made the time really fun and rewarding, and the buildings and public transit, and awesome exchange rate were also good for us. We saw the Mucha Museum, visited the Jewish Quarter twice, met a very strange Czech woman named Blanka, learned about some good Czech Musicals, ate a lot of pizza and dried fruit and kombucha, and experienced one of the most intense lightening storms of our short existence.
We went to a music festival, went bar hopping, and played a bit o' beach volleyball. I surprised everyone with how terrible I was. The good news concerning that sport is
I learned that though I may not have any game, I do got a lotta heart.

From Prague we went to Rome, taking an hour and a half plane ride, complete with Tom and Jerry cartoons and fashion shows repeating on those tiny little screens in front of us, and a complentary sandwich of white bread and, um, bread in the middle. The bread was soaked with olive juice or something. Tina wanted to spew. I dunno. In Rome we stayed at the Fawlty Towers, where it was very hard to escape the sweltering heat, despite the one ceiling fan in our huge free room. I just ended up sleeping with my sleeping bag on the floor directly underneath the fan. We also made a friend there! His name is Aaron, and hes a huge Australian guy with a shaved head. He bears a striking resemblance to VIn deisel. He was very smart and funny, and nice. He ended up being a really good companion walking the streets of Rome near Termini Station at night, with his huge biceps bulging and his stern face indicating an attitude with very little tolerance for funny business. He loved our jokes, and is now our friend on myspace.

I dont feel like getting too detailed, but a few quick notes about Rome: 1) I highly recommend Penne Alla Vodka, and tortellini soup 2)It is fun to get as close as possible to those creepy tableau people in big touristy areas, to see how awkward things get 3) We saw a guy peeing on the sidewalk on our way to our hotel one night and 4) Air conditioning is a Godsend.

After our 2 days as Romans, we were off to Palermo, Sicily. It was an 11ish hour train ride, during which I took a great deal of time thinking about many things. One of which was how I was going to clean my apartment when I got home, and another was about how I actually really don't like trains that much. Sorry Station Agent starring the brilliant Peter Dinklage.

We finally arrived, though, and took a taxi to our bed and breakfast. We have since been maxin and relaxing here in and near the salty green waters of the warm Sicilian Sea, making some observations, learning a few life lessons, soaking up a lot of rays, and taking to heart that one should never, ever drive in Italy. Seriously, though. You hear about it, you think you get it, but the moment we got here and started walking around, it really sunk in. These people are maniacs. Pedestrians are like second class citizens, and car horns are heard more than peoples voices! It is terrifying.

A few notes on Sicilians. They are rough and real, loud and direct. The streets of Palermo can be dirty and disheveled. We've seen over 6 stray dogs walking lazily around in one day alone. The cars are smelly, plentiful, and obnoxious. But this area is still, despite all this, incredible and exciting. The woman are full and tan, confident and classy. The men have been either gorgeous or intolerably unattractive. The teenagers are sweaty and silly. They line almost orderly in the ocean just to make out with their sweetheart, or stick their salty heads out of
the automatically opening bus door every stop just to feel the wind on their faces.

I bought a two piece bathing suit just to go along with the unfaltering self confidence that the women here exude. Yes, I've got a spare tire or two and yes, my torso's palor is comparable to Casper's ivory visage,(quick side note to Tina " Daniel Johnston singing Casper") but what of it? I saw a 350 pound woman sitting calmy on the beach today, smiling sweetly as her friend picked flakes of sunburned skin off the wide plain of her back, one after another, over and over again. It's cool, man. We're in Italy. Today we bought a bright green volley ball and played poorly in the water for everyone to see. My triceps have never been this sore in my life.

I'm done for now, I've got my mind set on some gelato and I will not stop until my desires come to full fruition.

Internets a bit harder to come by around these parts, so you might not hear from us for a while. After this, we go to Athens, then home!

Eternally pale and forever flabby,

Devra and not Tina because she was on the phone

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Blogging is Boring

Hello boys and girls, greetings from Prague!

We are comfortably squatting in a sweet little flat belonging to our friend Petr. We have our own room and have been keeping ourselves pretty busy here in the mysterious lands of the Czech Republic.

Before we delve further into details about our favorite little Slavic country, let's shove out some stories from our dearly departed Deutschland!

So the last you heard from us, we were about to switch to a hostel next door called Wombats, a highly recommended and top rated facility. A nice refreshing change from the hostel that appearred to be infested with nothing but 17 year old American girls who spent 3 hours in front of the shared bathroom mirror, blowdrying their hair and giving makeup feed back such as, "Oh yeah. That makes you look really mature." We also encountered a massive amount of insensitive guys, who would turn on our lights at 2 am while we were sleeping, meanwhile talking full volume, even though they weren't even occupying our room.

Anyway, so Wombats. We check into the hostel, which is very very nice, very offbeat, and very "cool". There are all sorts of odd jokes on the wall, and the personel were all very personable and funny. The room, of course, was clean, and nice, and shared with a couple of girls who were great! Their names were Evalina, who had a Polish accent but lived in Pennsylvania, and Stephanie, who was from Texas and was a Biochem major. They were so sweet,and Tina and I bonded with them right away. Our other roomates, however, were not at as agreeable.

Our first night in Wombats we had returned for the evening at about 1:30 am, were very tired, and I was very headachey and grumpy. So I take a shower, while Tina goes to sleep listening to music, and afterwards I sat down and begin to organize my then overwhelming backpack (I have since decided to ship a bunch of stuff home, freeing up a huge amount of space and hopefully resulting in much more comfortable travel days, when we spend 6-12 hours with those suckers at a time) When someone walks in the front door. It's a young guy with buzzed, shaved hair, a stocky frame and baggy clothes. I look over, and say, brightly, "Hello!" Meanwhile flashing a smile I was quite proud of. His response? A blank, unaware stare, and a quick dash for the bathroom, where he immediately closed the door. I hear his gruff voice, ask rudely, "Where's the light?" I respond flatly, "It's outside the door." He pees, and leaves the room immediately.

I was pretty angry, and so climbed up to the top of our whining wood bunkbed, and began to read the final pages of Monkeyluv by Robert Sapolsky (a verrrry good read). A half hour later they both walk in, my stocky man spilling about 20 coins all over the floor, yelling out the eff word, and going straight into the bathroom to throwup. His companion climbed to the top of the squeaky top bunk and slept right away. I went to sleep.

Later on we found out that Sleepy Bear woke up in the middle of the night, walked over to the window in between Tina and Stephanie's bed, proceeded to urinate on the ground, fart, and walk back to bed. I woke up barely to hear his flatulence and vaguely recognize the sound of running water, but was too sleepy to figure out what was going on.

We left them a note the following day:

Either use the toilet to pee in, or get an adult diaper.

The four other people you share a room with.

Munich itself was really enjoyable though. We did go to Dachau, which I know Steve and Erin were opposed to, but found the experience enlightening and important. Our tour guide was a thin, smart American named Eric, and I think we made the right choice by going.

Later on that day we tried to mellow out and cheer up by going on that Ghost tour. That was a fun experience.

Tina here. So, Devsky and I are a little bummed, how you say...introspective after the Dachau tour. We got to enjoy a nice, quiet meal at this really fun bakery near the Glockenspiel. We still had a little time before the ghost tour began. We decided to read our books by a fountain facing another beautiful clocktower in the middle of Marienplatz. I remember the sky was a really beautiful, creamy yellow and the moon was visable up in the sky. When it was time to meet for the tour we glance over at the meeting place. Suddenly, I shriek, "Devra, I think I see our tour guide." Low, and behold, here was a figure, cloaked in a black robe yielding a long, formidable sycthe...with a blade and EVERYTHING!!!!

Hesitantly, reluctantly, we made our way over to the column and said hello. Firstly, he flashed a smile revealing his less than mediocre teeth. Also, he was very bad looking...long, greasy hair, a chubby frame...I'd go as far to say that he looked like a larger, tubbier Toby Jones.

We were accompanied by only one other person from the tour. Some jocked-out bro from Conneticut.

The tour began. When he began to speak, we found out that he DID NOT speak the best English. I personally found this to add a great amount of pizzaz to the tour. Devra, while she found it endearing, mentioned that it sort of took about from the mystery of the stories (which I have to agree with).

If you want to hear some good stories about Munchen, ask us. We have plenty.

After the tour, we went to a Beir Garten called Augustiner. There, we joyfully shared two soft pretzels with sweet/spicy mustard and a Dunkel Beer.
Working there, was a VERY strange employee, possibly Italian, possibly a heroine addict. Devra and I laughed so hard at him, we had to leave.

The next morning we went on a "Third Reich Tour". Then checked out of Wombats and took a 7 hour train ride to Prague. There, Petr met us and brought us back to his adorable place.

To keep it short and simple, Devsky and I went to the Jewish quarter, visited some synogogues, ate some panini, hung out with Petr who's really sick with a cold (which I sort of have as well), got some mosquito bites, giggled,went to bed.

Good times.

We're tired of blogging.

Over and out!

Blogging is Boring

Hello boys and girls, greetings from Prague!

We are comfortably squatting in a sweet little flat belonging to our friend Petr. We have our own room and have been keeping ourselves pretty busy here in the mysterious lands of the Czech Republic.

Before we delve further into details about our favorite little Slavic country, let's shove out some stories from our dearly departed Deutschland!

So the last you heard from us, we were about to switch to a hostel next door called Wombats, a highly recommended and top rated facility. A nice refreshing change from the hostel that appearred to be infested with nothing but 17 year old American girls who spent 3 hours in front of the shared bathroom mirror, blowdrying their hair and giving makeup feed back such as, "Oh yeah. That makes you look really mature." We also encountered a massive amount of insensitive guys, who would turn on our lights at 2 am while we were sleeping, meanwhile talking full volume, even though they weren't even occupying our room.

Anyway, so Wombats. We check into the hostel, which is very very nice, very offbeat, and very "cool". There are all sorts of odd jokes on the wall, and the personel were all very personable and funny. The room, of course, was clean, and nice, and shared with a couple of girls who were great! Their names were Evalina, who had a Polish accent but lived in Pennsylvania, and Stephanie, who was from Texas and was a Biochem major. They were so sweet,and Tina and I bonded with them right away. Our other roomates, however, were not at as agreeable.

Our first night in Wombats we had returned for the evening at about 1:30 am, were very tired, and I was very headachey and grumpy. So I take a shower, while Tina goes to sleep listening to music, and afterwards I sat down and begin to organize my then overwhelming backpack (I have since decided to ship a bunch of stuff home, freeing up a huge amount of space and hopefully resulting in much more comfortable travel days, when we spend 6-12 hours with those suckers at a time) When someone walks in the front door. It's a young guy with buzzed, shaved hair, a stocky frame and baggy clothes. I look over, and say, brightly, "Hello!" Meanwhile flashing a smile I was quite proud of. His response? A blank, unaware stare, and a quick dash for the bathroom, where he immediately closed the door. I hear his gruff voice, ask rudely, "Where's the light?" I respond flatly, "It's outside the door." He pees, and leaves the room immediately.

I was pretty angry, and so climbed up to the top of our whining wood bunkbed, and began to read the final pages of Monkeyluv by Robert Sapolsky (a verrrry good read). A half hour later they both walk in, my stocky man spilling about 20 coins all over the floor, yelling out the eff word, and going straight into the bathroom to throwup. His companion climbed to the top of the squeaky top bunk and slept right away. I went to sleep.

Later on we found out that Sleepy Bear woke up in the middle of the night, walked over to the window in between Tina and Stephanie's bed, proceeded to urinate on the ground, fart, and walk back to bed. I woke up barely to hear his flatulence and vaguely recognize the sound of running water, but was too sleepy to figure out what was going on.

We left them a note the following day:

Either use the toilet to pee in, or get an adult diaper.

The four other people you share a room with.

Munich itself was really enjoyable though. We did go to Dachau, which I know Steve and Erin were opposed to, but found the experience enlightening and important. Our tour guide was a thin, smart American named Eric, and I think we made the right choice by going.

Later on that day we tried to mellow out and cheer up by going on that Ghost tour. That was a fun experience.

Tina here. So, Devsky and I are a little bummed, how you say...introspective after the Dachau tour. We got and enjoy a nice, quiet meal at this really fun bakery near the Glockenspiel. We still had a little time before the ghost tour began. We decided to read our books by a fountain facing another beautiful clocktower in the middle of Marienplatz. I remember the sky was a really beautiful, creamy yellow and the moon was visable up in the sky. When it was time to meet for the tour we glance over at the meeting place. Suddenly, I shriek, "Devra, I think I see our tour guide." Low, and behold, here was a figure, cloaked in a black robe yielding a long, formidable sycthe...with a blade and EVERYTHING!!!!

Hesitantly, reluctantly, we made our way over to the column and said hello. Firstly, he flashed a smile revealing his less than mediocre teeth. Also, he was very bad looking...long, greasy hair, a chubby frame...I'd go as far to say that he looked like a larger, tubbier Toby Jones.

We were accompanied by only one other person from the tour. Some jocked-out bro from Conneticut.

The tour began. When he began to speak, we found out that he DID NOT speak the best English. I personally found this to add a great amount of pizzaz to the tour. Devra, while she found it endearing, mentioned that it sort of took about from the mystery of the stories (which I have to agree with).

If you want to hear some good stories about Munchen, ask us. We have plenty.

After the tour, we went to a Beir Garten called Augustiner. There, we joyfully shared two soft pretzels with sweet/spicy mustard and a Dunkel Beer.
Working there, was a VERY strange employee, possibly Italian, possibly a heroine addict. Devra and I laughed so hard at him, we had to leave.

The next morning we went on a "Third Reich Tour". Then checked out of Wombats and took a 7 hour train ride to Prague. There, Petr met us and brought us back to his adorable place.

To keep it short and simple, Devsky and I went to the Jewish quarter, visited some synogogues, ate some panini, hung out with Petr who's really sick with a cold (which I sort of have as well), got some mosquito bites, giggled,went to bed.

Good times.

We're tired of blogging.

Over and out!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Trottin along, singin' our song

Just a quick update:

We're at Jaeger's Hostel for two days, then Wombats manana! We're with 40 other frat boys and girls sharing a dorm last night and tonight, and we feel right at home! It is as if we're still in San Luis Obispo! Anyway, we made a friend, a "young", "26 year old" man named Steve from Africa, who took a liking to us at the bar last night, flashed us his BMW ownership card, and told us he was an electrician. We're not sure about the young, or the 26 year old part. Or the friend part. But we managed to lose his phone number.

Anyway, our bartender was MEAN! And yet, Devra has had an encounter with Noam "Trots"ky all day. That's for you, Palmies.

Tomorrow we're going on a big Munich city tour, then a Beer and Brewery Tour. Monday we're going on a "Third Reich" Tour. I know it sounds awful, but it's a part of the history here, and we want to learn! FOR KNOWLEDGE. Tuesday were going to Dachau, and then read this and weep Nicole: we're taking a tour at night in Munich that "takes you in the dark of night...leading you through narrow alleys and along old houses to haunted sites and hidden passageways.For 850 years people have lived and died in Munich. The night watch man tells you about some strange happenings from our past"
Tina's really excited because the Night Watchman is gonna be in full costume , with a torch or something. Maybe we'll get burned.


Tee and Dee

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wie ahre poshtink zie fotosch

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At a big concert on our first night in Germany. Tina thought Tom Jones was playing.

Tina loved this song, because it was in "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert". Here's a link to the video: Fina-lee

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Devra at a really cool cafe with lots of great paintings all over the walls.

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It thundered and lighteninged a bunch one night, I thought it was purty.

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Jamie REALLY pissed off, hating her burnt, disgusting pizza brot (bread).

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Tina eating the burnt, disgusting pizza brot.

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On the Autobahn to the Leuze Mineralbaden.

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The healing ACID waters of the Leuze Mineralbaden.

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No, but really. It was so fun. We're going again tomorrow with an underwater disposable camera.

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See? We tell no lies.

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Tina takin' a nose dive.

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Jamie takin' a nose dive.

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Devra takin' a nose dive.

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George Washington.


Here's a link to the video: Water Razor

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At the top of the highest part of Stuttgart. So many stairs.

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Jeez, Jamie's face!

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At the park near the tower.

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Not only is the beer huge, but check out my new sweet threads.

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On the balcony of our room

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A really nice puppppy

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This is Jamie

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This is an older picture from Hyde Park in England. Two Sicilians with a funghi.

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Some kid trying to steal my camera. He was cute.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Boring Bug BItes

God, it's so boring here. Even the keyboards, the bugbites on Tina's arms and legs, and the street performers wearing slits are boring! BORING!

So just when we thought it was getting REAL good with some live Tom Jones, it was some Ricky Martin rip-off.

Éven our toilet that wouldn't flush...boring.

We've decided to do a compile something a lil'(jon...yeah) something fer y'all.

What we miss from Central Coast.

-The Marilyn Monroe themed bathroom at Bon Temps
-Our cats
-Unjamming the straw dispenser
-Riding the Bear at the mission
-Playing pool with our boyfriends at the Gaslight Lounge
-Gamestore Chuck
-Seeing pigs cross the road, and crashing our bikes
-Bulbs Across America
-3D Cinema, and the movie "Bad Santa"
-Don's puppet show on Thursday nights
-Peggy Penny
-Rip Squeak
-Driving up the grade
-"What time is it?" then tongue
-Seeing Pirates of Caribbean in German, oh wait we did that here.

More posts to come!

Friday, June 8, 2007

The Sweathouse

We're basking and sweating in the warm, tropical sun of Greece right now, oh wait, we're in a dumpy little cafe without air conditioning in Amsterdam.
It's so farging hot here. This morning, we awoke to a young Dutch man with a knarley arm-band tribal tattoo, and a HUGE gold chain shaking Devra, saying, "Chayk out tyyme, rahhhhhyuheuuuuuuh!" This was surprising, because we were under the impression that we had till tomorrow. Unfortunetly, there was a mistake in our booking, but with lady luck on our side (shout out to Marlon Brando) we paid a few extra euros to get the all-girl suite.

We've had a great time here so far. Upon arrival, we decided to indulge in the fine Dutch cuisine, oh wait, we had Thai food. It was good. The next day we visited the Rhijkes Museum, which had a beautiful garden and some really awesome Rembrandts. What else? Devra got a mapbook, and has been getting her rocks off becoming our official "which way?"-er of this here Netherlandish town. It's great, because we have been taking all sorts of routes through the city, seeing all different kinds of areas here, but haven't actually been lost. Devra's very proud. (A little note: I don't actually know where we are right now, but can and will find out very soon.--Dev) The canals here are AWESOME and pretty. We want to get into a rumble, fistfight, JUST to see who can knock the other into the water first.

So far we've seen the Anne Frank house, which had that photographer who took pictures of the women who had just given birth (The one you and Erin like and have a poster of in your house, Steve) Had pieces up in the cafe there, and the actual museum was petty sad and freaky. We also went to the Van Gogh Museum yesterday, which was Devra's highlight of her life, and she was really excited to see a museum that was totally devoted to her favorite artist. We also got to see a few paintings she hadn't seen before, that she really liked. And she got a keychain.

Tina here. I find it extremely odd that Devra has refered to herself in 3d person. Oh well, props to Bob Dole and Devra.
We also got to visit the Verzetsmuseum which is a Museum about the Dutch Resistance from the years of 1940-1945 during the Nazi Occupation of the Netherlands. We were interested because it sounded just like "Army of Shadows" by Jean-Pierre Melville. It ended up being so interesting because we learned about historical events that have never occured to us because of the egocentric American History that's been shoved down our 'troats' all through schooling. The country was really divided, apparantly, into Catholics, Protestants, Socialists, and Liberals, but when the Germans invaded, there was this great unity that sprung up against the oppression they had to endure together as a country, which Devra really loved. They all just wanted to help and get the Nazis out.
It showed how women would smuggle food stamps in pregnancy girdles and how rebel publications were made. Prisoners families did their laundry, oddly enough, and they passed notes in their clothing written in blood.
There was another section devoted to the prisoners of war which were taken to the West Indies.

So to sum it up, it was a great museum.

Today is our last day in Amsterdam. Tomorrow, we head to Stuttgart. It'll be a long train ride, but will be nice to max, and relax!

Expect postcards.

Chillin like ice-cream fillin',
Virgo and Cancer

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

amsterdam here we come

Hullo! Virgo and Cancer speakin'.

We're blogging one more time from London, at Jamie's house. We're about to leave for Amsterdam in a few minutes. So far our trip has been really great. Last night we saw "Wicked" in the back row. It was my (Devra) first time seeing it, and it was so nice! I really liked the goat teacher, while Tina preferred the big dragon, and the broken animatronic head of the wizard.

We also did huge walking tour yesterday, starting off pushing through Trafalgar's Square, seeing some really big beautiful lions (one of the reasons I've liked London so much: there are lions everywhere. For example: Those great lion pictures from the British Museum.) Did we mention we went to the British Museum? We went to Hyde Park, which I think was one of my favorite places in London. It was kind of overcast, so it gave a nice feeling to this big beautiful park. We also saw Westminster Abbey, and Big Ben, and the London Eye up close.

The day before yesterday Tina and I went to the Tower of London, and saw a big fat Raven. Or twenty. One of our favorite things there was the Royal Punch Bowl andLadle. It was so fucking huge! Then we met Jamie, and had dinner and drinks at Pizza on the Dock, and literlly stayed for about four hours. When they closed they locked the bathroom, so Tina and Jamie and I had to hold it for like an hour, and we almost lost Tina, because she had to go so bad.

The night before that, I woke up after eating Indian food from a restaurant at Brick Lane, with the worst feeling I have ever had in my life. It was heartburn, and Jamie really summed it up well when she said, "I like how you're going to be trying all sorts of different foods on your trip, and of course you react like this after a meal in London. Weaaak." But seriously, it hurt more than anything. I was up until 4, after trying alka seltzer and another antacid, crying off and on. Tina and Jamie were really nice about it though, and we saw a fox on the way back from the store.

At the Brick Lane Indian restaurants, there is always a person outside the restaurant , trying to get you guys to go to their restaurant , and they kind of sell it to you like they're a used car salesmen. "I garuntee it. After trying our food, you will be a regular customer. It is just a good, quality meal." So we go to a restaurant, and we got a deal on our meal, with a free drink. Gabriele asked when we sat down, "Can I get a cobra as a beer?" The waiter proceeded to laugh condescendingly, saying no.

I dunno, they wanted me to tell you about the cobra.

And Jamie accidentally touched some guys' hand on the Tube.

That's it. We're going to Amsterdam now.

Friday, June 1, 2007

London Ho!

Today we went to the British Museum and the play "The Woman in Black".

More to come later, folks!