Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We FINALLY MADE IT! huzzah!!!!!

To sum it up:

Guess who we saw in LAX?

It gave the two of us a weird sort of feeling when we encountered his lone form hunched over a big Burger King meal, noshing his fries with OODLES of tasty ketchup. "Devra," Tina whispered into my ear. "I think that's Johnathan Rhys-Meyers."

And sure enough, here was a mediocre actor who only performs well when playing characters that rape, murder, or crossdress. PUUURFECT for us. I managed to sneak a picture of him waiting at the same terminal as us. Great picture on the way.

And guess who didn't get any sleep, due to a neurotic middle eastern woman with blond highlights to contrast with her thick jet black hair, along with a nice little french mani- pedi-cure, and a big black fannypack? TEE AND DEE, because we were right next to this CRAZY woman who was completely incompetent at rearing her roudy brood of sick, coughing, screaming young. But thank GOD, we were right behind a couple of HOT Salt Lake City Bros. Look out Mormon Tabernacle Choir, here we cooome.

Not to mention our fine ensemble of Stewardi aboard this mighty fine flight on Virgin Atlantic. Tina held a special place for a young gentlemen with a wedding ring named Scott, who I suspect may be gay, but they did just legalize that over here, didn't they? And I as enraptured by John, a young gent who wore copious amounts some sort of Brut, or other such gross cologne. Let's put it this way: Ya go to the dollar store, you buy cologne, and it results in EVERY TIME I closed my eyes to attempt some form of slumber, I would always know when my beloved walked by.

I thought we were going to keep it short and sweet, bitch please

Cancer and Virgo, Signing out for now

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hi y'all. This is dear Virgo, checking in the night before take-off, blogging to stave off the pre-trip jitters. I dunno how right I am in posting without my partner in crime, so I'll keep this short. My e-mail is darntootindevra@charter.net. Tina's is chickywoo@aol.com. Write to us if something big happens, like any unexpected pregnancies or sudden deaths. Hey, write to us if something big doesn't happen, even. I know I'll miss everyone, and Tina, though she can be pretty heartless, will probably be antsy for your guys' sweet embrace just as much as I.

Mom, take good care of my cat!


Monday, May 14, 2007

Pre-Europe Trip--- 2 weeks to go

Here ye! Here Ye!

Have you heard?

Are you sitting down, I mean REALLY sitting down?


Here w'go---

Devrisko and Tinsko, as of May 28, 2007 will be embarking on ONLY THE FINNNNEST excursion over unchartered waters to backpack through Europe.

Okay, I know...calm down...really...

I already know the first question you're going to ask and the answer is that we'll just have to find another projectionist for a couple of months...even if that means that our bonny Parsons Don Wallace; Roach of the City, has to do it.

Also, I know we were ALL planing on spending my birthday at Boomers followed by a trip to Cuesta park while wishing Flippo's was still up and running so I could full-fill that long, dormant aspiration to ride in the huge rollerskate, but it looks like Athens, Greece is just going to have to do.

Because Dev and I are avid Dance Church attendees, we've decided to balance our Kundali through SOUL ESSENCE MOVEMENTS every 5 hours or so to keep the snake (within) in check!

All you going to Live Oak, give our regards to the guy in the jester hat dancing with his streamers...and Tim Costa at the hot-licks stage.

I know this is going to be a huge adjustement for all of you...we're coping too.

London we'll be fine I guess.
Amsterdam...totally boring...nothing to do there.
Germany...don't care
Prague...so ugly
Italy...yawn...my people... so we know that will be boring...
Sicily...I don't want to see the Ocean.
Greece: ...Get me outta here Fairbanks!

So, to sum it all up...

Here we are, lookin' all cute, hating this...really hating what we've decided to do...going to STUPID EUROPE!!!

God Bless America and Good luck Don Wallace!

Tina and Devra